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Giles Mohan organised, with the Institute for Democratic Governance and Africa Next, a one day workshop on China-Ghana relations held at the World Bank offices in Accra.

Attended by 36 participants, including Ghanaian MPs and civil servants, Ambassador Afare Donkor, Mike Hammond of DFID, and Professors Kwame Ninsin and Paul Yankson, the workshop sought to engender debate on Ghana’s response to the growth of Chinese investment.

Situated within the context of the BRICS the workshop head papers on the trends in China-Ghana relations, how the Chinese view Ghana, and the respective difficulties of Ghanaians doing business in China and Chinese doing businesss in Ghana.

The consensus was that the Ghanaian Government must be more proactive and strategic in its engagement with the Chinese and the organiser hope to mount similar meetings in the future.

Principal Investigator
Professor Giles Mohan
Reader in the Politics of International Development
Development Policy and Practice Group
The Open University, UK
e-mail: [email protected]

Professor Marcus Power
Reader in Human Geography
Department of Geography
Durham University, UK
e-mail: [email protected]

Research Associate
Dr May Tan-Mullins
Department of Geography
Durham University, UK
e-mail: [email protected]