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Marcus Power recently visited Lisbon (Portugal) to conduct a search for archival and secondary sources. The particular emphasis was on locating sources concerned with contemporary Angola and with Portugal’s relations with China. This involved consulting the Biblioteca Nacional, the Sociedade da Geografia de Lisboa and the Universidade de Lisboa (amongst others).

The field visit yielded a range of useful sources on Chinese investment in Angola (past and present), on Portugal’s changing relations with Angola (a former colony), on Portugal’s changing relations with China (with particular reference to Macau) and on Portuguese views of the growing levels of China-Africa co-operation.

Principal Investigator
Professor Giles Mohan
Reader in the Politics of International Development
Development Policy and Practice Group
The Open University, UK
e-mail: [email protected]

Professor Marcus Power
Reader in Human Geography
Department of Geography
Durham University, UK
e-mail: [email protected]

Research Associate
Dr May Tan-Mullins
Department of Geography
Durham University, UK
e-mail: [email protected]